After a rather lack-luster week in Anderson, SC, on my way out of town I decided to give their one and only mom/pop coffee place a whirl. Well, I have to say I was peasantly surprised. The coffee joint is located in a vintage downtown building and upon entering you see the counter and a large coffee roaster (usually a good omen of tasty things to come) So I ordered, what else, but a mocha latte and few other random pastry things that peaked my gastric instrest. As I was watching my drink to shape, I found out from the girl behind the counter that it was a privately owned place that had been around for a few years and the owner roasts his own beans. As I was waiting, I took a look around, and the adjoining room had a high ceiling, comfy plush chairs, warms colors, bar stools, and free internet......all good signs in my book. So I went in with slim expactations, but left with an envy of Anderson coffee lovers, for they truly have a wonderful filling station in their midst. (I should have requested not whipped cream) But the espresso flavor was the best I'd tasted since Seattle, and it wasn't too sweet and chocolate flavor was decent......
it was an overall good drink and definately BETTER than fourBucks (you're right on jennifer) so this one gets 4 beans
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