Ahhhhhhh Spokane. I won’t go on about the food wonders in Spokane, but you can find out about this day and the city from this blog entry. So this place was an unexpected find and an even more pleastant treat. If you refer to the previous entry you will see why I was up there in the first place. It was a Saturday morning so I got my standard mocha latte and decided on an Italian crepe. Well, words can only serve to temp a person, never adequately describe, when it comes to food. It was most certainly the best crepe I’ve had on this side of the ocean. It was a standard crepe with fresh prosciutto, capers, sundried tomatoes (almost like a tapanade), fresh herbs, and melted fontina cheese over the top. Mmmmmm, I could eat one……or two right now. In any case, upon some inquiry it turns out the head of the bakery had studied in frnace, hence the amazing crepes. Besides being a coffee joint, this dine-in place also houses a bakery, which makes its baked goods about as tasty and as fresh as you can get. Check out Jennifer’s review too by clicking here.
The mocha latte was great over all, good foam quality milk. I could have used a little more espresso taste in the drink, but it was tasty going down. 4.1 beans